No doubt, the engagement is probably one of the most romantic moments in a relationship and, for this occasion, engagement rings assume a special significance. However, we do not know much about this custom: what tradition exists behind the engagement ring? Why not ring and other jewelry?
The symbolism of the engagement ring
The ring is an ancient symbol of love , loyalty and stability. Moreover, its rounded shape represents eternity. Endless Love!

But the ring is not only symbolic: in the Middle Ages this gem demonstrated when the woman looked at the finger that her dowry had been paid. Today, its practical side is tight, but watch your knees boy opening a box and potential finger is invaluable. And you can give your friends jealous when you teach it!

Variations Engagement Ring
Often the question of whether it is only the woman who should get an engagement ring arises between couples who want to take the step to compromise. There is no clear answer, although three variants:

First – and this version is most known for romantic movies – may be just the woman who received the engagement ring. In general, the ring usually has a gemstone, in contrast to the alliance, which is simpler. In this case, the boy goes empty and has to wait until the wedding to take your alliance.

In the second variant, the two receive a ring. You’re going to choose them with your boyfriend (the element of surprise is lost) and shall bring to the wedding day, when they were replaced by alliances.

The last option is to convert engagement rings alliances themselves. The first will take with the left hand and, once it becomes alliance, in his right hand. A tradition says you have to wear the engagement in the left hand because it links directly to the heart.

Engagement Rings: How to find the right?
Message to men: there is no shame in asking for help to find the ring. However, this should not be the seller’s shop, he does not know your girlfriend! Certainly, your best option is your best friend, she knows your taste and sure with your help, you will succeed.

Of course, you also have to make sure you choose the right size. To do this, we advise you to take one ring your girlfriend to get an idea of ​​the size. But be careful! You have to return quickly to catch you.