Ponds are a stunning addition to any garden, but it can be difficult to sometimes get them to look how you would like them too – especially if you have a particular idea in mind! That being said, there are some basics that should be met which you cannot skip if you want your pond to thrive.
This piece will take a look at some of the steps you need to take to help make your garden pond look beautiful.
Unsurprisingly, the position of your pond can really make or break its appearance, so if you are building it for the first time, it is worthwhile considering where the best location for it will be. There are a few factors to consider when doing this, as you will need to think about sun position, which points you would like to see it from in the garden or from within your home, and where is best away from trees and other shrubbery to keep leaf shed in your pond to a minimum.
Clean Water
A fast-track way to making your pond look unkept and uninviting is dirty water. Of course, pond water will not be crystal clear, as it is or will be not only a hive of activity, but it is also outside – However, there are definitely some steps you can take to making sure that the water is as clean and healthy as it can be.
Investing in a specialist water pump and filter and including plants that naturally clean and oxygenate the water can really help keep algae and excess fish waste under control.
Pond Accessories and Features
Pond accessories and features can really bring your pond to life – the hard part is trying not to buy them all!
Perhaps you cannot resist a floating duck on your pond or some frog ornaments nestled among the plants. Or maybe you would like to take things further with some ornate decorative pond water features to create an enchanting scene of escapism.
Not only is there an abundance of choice when it comes to accessories or features, but they also come in a range of different styles, meaning you are able to set the theme of your garden however you like and mix it up!
“Pond plants are vital for the ecosystem.”
Pond Plants and Flowers
Plants and flowers can be placed strategically around the pond and to create a stunning water garden. Not only that, but they are great for the wildlife and offer a fantastic habitat for many small creatures. Nothing makes a pond more beautiful than seeing it full of life, and this can include blooms, frogs, water boatmen, fish, dragonflies and more. When thinking about which flowers you would like in and around your pond, make sure that they are suitable for being in wet soil or damp areas for them to thrive – the last thing you want is rotten roots surrounding your pond paradise!