Are you going to have ladies? We present five tasks for ladies wedding you can assign and beyond the organization of the wedding I will be very helpful during the wedding!

Usually brides rely on ladies wedding assigning related to the organization of the wedding but Have tasks in the work of wedding day thinking? Can be assured that saved Take note! and share this article with them.

Are the saving tasks and I mean those in which the ladies of the wedding can rescue the bride or groom, the wedding guests uncomfortable or classics that capture the couple talking and do not let them enjoy Wedding. I recommend you agree and establish a sign to escape.

are also the tasks of beauty and I mean this lady wedding will take care to look good all the time in relation to the bridal hair and makeup. To achieve armen one kit for the bride at the wedding and is she who has access.

We continue with the tasks of the look of the bride, ie, to establish the lady who will be responsible for removing and storing the veil, accommodate tail wedding dress, put the league, change the bridal shoes for a more comfortable, fix any imperfect wedding dress etc.

For personal tasks shall assign to the lady that you have more confidence and are those ranging from lifting the dress when they go to the bathroom so if you have a nervous breakdown or feel ill.

Finally we have the logistics tasks that have to do with situations that happen at the wedding and have to be communicated to the organizer, waiters , security, paramedics, photographer, Miss baths etc. In other words the lady will have to be aware of anything that might affect the proper performance of the wedding. For this task I recommend you choose a move and good responsiveness lady.

It is very important that brides use their intelligence and know how much or how their ladies to, based on their personalities and skills, assigned them the task that best suits them.