Having ladies wedding can be a big decision or a nightmare. We present four most common mistakes brides choosing their ladies for you to run away from them.
If for wedding day are thinking of having ladies, in this article I want to present the four most common mistakes to comment brides to choose the ladies of the wedding, I recommend that you do not detract from their importance as there is a fine line between living a nightmare or pure harmony. The ladies choose wedding has several purposes that go beyond achieving a look of harmonic ladies wedding that looks at the wedding ceremony or the wedding photographs for. Thinking about these purposes the brides have to be clear that being lady is an honor and responsibility involved both in the organization of the wedding as tasks for ladies wedding for the big day. Based on the above is that I present the following four Mistakes When Choosing ladies wedding to flee from them:
1. Never choose their wedding ladies based on commitments, such as premium boyfriend who do not know, the sister of your boyfriend or girlfriend in their wedding you were ladies. Rule of thumb: the ladies have to are women who want them, appreciate and share the happiness to be married reason? They worry that they are happy and the wedding were serious.
2. On the subject How many ladies wedding choose? would be a mistake to choose more than six. Some brides choose to have many ladies not to leave anyone out. Remember that in the end will be more difficult to organize more ladies in the wedding and the “fillers” be felt.
3. In relation to this, if you have many friends and is a dilemma choosing, at this point I present the error not having a filter What I mean? Make your selection based on the qualities (you know them perfect) as if they are responsible, committed, if they are forgetful, if they are always busy etc.
4. The last error has to do with the attitude of the bride in the sense of not forcing to be ladies. There is an obligation to accept being lady is better to receive a no time How? No pressuring their ladies, asking them to be sincere in their acceptance and nothing happens if they can not or do not want.