As the holiday season approaches each year, you might have a challenging time trying to decide what to get the college student in your life. While a gift card is an option that is useful for anything that the student needs, it’s always nice to receive a gift or two as well. Some of the unique gift baskets that you can make include everything from healthcare essentials to things that can be used to do laundry.
When you’re making a gift basket, try to package it in something that blends with the holiday or the items that are given. An example would be a laundry basket with detergent, a laundry bag, a small bag of quarters, a few snacks to enjoy while washing clothes, and hangers. You can also use a laundry basket or something similar to make a hygiene gift. This can be personalized based on what the student enjoys. Add things like bath wash, shampoo, a few candles, a robe, and slippers. These should be items that can make the student feel comfortable while still showing a bit of a unique design compared to a traditional box or gift bag.
Try to get a container that can be used in the dorm room instead of one that will be thrown away or one that will just take up space. School supplies in an organizer or a tackle box are an option to consider as well as medicines and other healthcare supplies in a basket that can be kept in the bathroom. You could include cough drops, headache medicines, and other items that are often needed for cold and flu season. You could also add a few soups and foods that are comforting that are easy to fix in the dorm along with a gift card so that the student can order a meal to have delivered.